Thursday, May 21, 2009

buying shares in this place

they called it reciticisum i cant even spell it but i knew how to do it
it doesnt end here i can remember her words rene ducharme my attorney
i can rememeber why it got started and how it ended but in between i sure was lost
mazooka would call it doing life on the installment plan
it was only a temp thing to me though the eyes that shared my daily veiw
were less and less like me and more like you...
you were the ones in charge fucking up our country from the top down
always blaming the man stealing for bread
ohh look how bad he has become as the man up high on a self proclaimed thorn tosses down his verdict and judges me....yoo man can you believe it he wants to save me yoo .. he thinks i need saving ... reminds me of bad movie

michael vick

when i saw mike vick getting released from prison it sparked some memories of the concrete jungle thinking about that first moment when you are free again how everything looks brand new the cars were so shiny and bright it was almost like i was in space and everything was moving slow but everything was really brite
vick had a bragade of cars pick him up geuss he missed the feeling of wanting to see a familar face was all idid was sit in the car and they gave me two and a half years tippy stole the guitar from monk and kiefer pawned it noone else in the car went to jail infact the people who actually stole sold and recieved the money never went to jail just fuck murt
i knew vick did not know what that felt like ,i knew he did not know what it was like to spend 18 ,19,20 in prison for sitting in a car he will never know that after my release from another unjust sentence of two years for 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 here r the years of my life that was stolen from me by lehigh county fuck kevin martin fuck bodine and his shadrools and fuck judge davidson he is the worst kind of person ,my lawyer was found hung from a tree stand dead frank maddy or maddey was his name i will always wonder if they did that to him fuck lehigh county ,fuck allentowm police ,fuck the court house fuck lehigh county prison and specail fuck for the warden leroy beans who left the inmates run the jail fuck deputy dog who got shit thrown at him everynight as he padlocked eveycell in the old jail while getting abused and hit with toilet paper fuck the niggers who tried to rape fuck the spics who tried to rob me fuck the gaurds fuck the world

Sunday, May 10, 2009

After all

she came to me in a fantasy
as wild and passionate as i designed
but her flight was elusive
untamed and quivering in evey limb
her beauty seeemed to lift me from the ground and hold me
floating in mid air
with the music that i had never heard before
there is a sense of something i dont understand
she knows why my soul is haunted
that i lack something and it makes me incomplete
so maybe she could answer and make something of me

some shit that reminds me of u

time does not bring relief you all have lied who told me time would ease my pain i miss her in the weeping of the rain i want her in the shrinking of the tides the snow melts from every mountain side and last years leaves are smoke in every lane but last years bitter loving must remain heaped on my heart and my old thoughts abide there are a hundred places that i fear to go so with their memory they brim and entering with relief so quiet place where never fell her foot or shoe her face i say there is no memory of her here and so stand stricken ,so remembering her

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

tea and toast

it had been a hard week on the streets and i had just woke up from sleeping at cherry hill behind the tanks i remember it was kinda cold that night none of my friends houses where i go are home so maybe i can go eat at my sisters i was suppose to be in school but i never went since eighth grade i would show up and some how pass once in a while ....but for the most part no home no school..i got to my sisters and she let me in she told me i could take a shower and she would fix me some tea and toast i needed a shower so i agreed when i got out of the shower sure enough hot lipton tea and some butter toast my favorite ....yummie..well two officers that had been chasing me showed up so i tried to run to the back door and there was a cruiser out back waiting i thought ok calm down and talk so i went back to the front room and told them you got me is it ok if i just finish my tea???well as soon as they said yes i felt like a fucking running back and plowed through botht the policeman knocking them to the floor one of them grabbed my foot and i kicked at him till he let go these were big cops i broke free and sprinted out the front door and what do you know i was in the ward where i grew up ....i knew every alley and shortcut around they stood little chance of catching someone who had made chase a game the ward boys played daily.........

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


wanna know how i got this way\
my stepfather was a bit of a boozer and a freak one night he goes off crazier then usuall
mommie grabbed the kitchen knife to defend herself he did not like that not one bit so me watching he takes the knife to her laughing as he does it he turns to me and says why so serious ...he comes at me with the knife he puts the blade against my throat and says why so serious ....lets put a smile on that face ........

the doctor of wudang moutain

this is a story from along time ago but it is as true today as it was then it happened in a little village at the foot of wudang mountain as you know wudang mountain is in china in what is called hubei province life in the village moved along as can be expected joy and sadness mixed in appropriate measure .one very important personage of the village was the doctor .. he was loved and revered by everyone all would help him tend his rice fields he was given the plumbest chickens for feast and the sweetest fruit of the harvest even the richest man of the village would bow his head low when they met on the path day all this changed .
the doctor was hurt and shocked no more kind words for him no show of respect no gifts for his enjoyment and well being instead cold stares and angry words behind his back in anguish the doctor finally cried out what have i done to deserve this ... dont u know the villagers answered last week mr wu took to his bed with a fever his throat is parched his head is hurting you failed us..i marvel at this long ago story how well these ancient folks understood that even though it is a great art to cure sickness it is even a greater art to keep the body healthy and glowing this story of thr doctor of wudang moutain should not come a suprise to us living in the west after all it was thomas edison who stated the doctor of the future will give no medications but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame ,dietand in the cause and prevention of disease

Monday, May 4, 2009

the great walk

when you address a people by there right name that name must relate to land history and culture
all people go back to the geography of thier original origin and identify themselves no matter were they live on the face of the earth
we have overused the word black because black tells you how you look not who you are you can call a itailain white but that dont tell you anything about him
we r the only people who have seem to have lost that all essentail trait of geographical historical reference


we created a better place to be.. to live die ..
we have justice and tranquillity
we have secured the blessings of liberty
we have so much
we have democracy


concrete jungle

we want freedom we want justice and peace
we want the power to determine our destiny
we want full employment for the people
we want to work together
we want land bread housing clothing and education
we want education that reveals the true nature or this decatant american society
we want education that teaches us our true history
we want to know our roles in present day american society
we want to be exempt from military services
we want to end the robberies by the capitolists of our communities
we want a end to police brutality
we want all men released from prison that has not been tried by a jury of his peers
thier rights have been violated
we want a more perfect union
we want our rights under this goverment efficiently protected and not be in any respect lessened or impaired
we want a leader who is fit to be the leader of free people
we want to be reminded of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here
we want the attempts by legislature to extend unwarranted jurisdiction over us to end

cracks and holes

having problems loooking at the world kinda seeing seeing only big cracks and holes
i find myself looking for faults
a grey haired wiseman told me he could help with my problem
the man did not look like much to me ..broke dick looking wit no shoes and a long unkept beard n hair ...his eyes looked very clear though
along with his message to me
he told me to take this pair of sunglasses he had he said he got them from his father who got them from his father and so on...
well i mean to tell you i had no intention of seperating him from what i thought was probably one of his closest possesions you see ....
but he told me it would make everything look perfect to me ..
i never took the glasses off for the next year ...
i wear them less and less ..until now i dont wear them at all
but i have never had the heart to tell him that those glasses did nothing at all

robin hood

we are taught to remember the idea but not the person beacause the person can fail a person can be caught they can be killed and forgotten but 400 years later and idea can still change the world i have witnessed first hand the power of ideas i have seen people killed in the name of them and die defending them but you can not kiss an idea you can not touch it or hold it ideas do not bleed they do not feel pain and they do not love it is not an idea that i miss it is her ..

Sunday, May 3, 2009


my mom was living on the hamilton mall second story
my room looked right down on the strip were everyone cruised
never really told people that we lived there mom lived there
my step father had just died of a overdose he died praying his lungs filled with fluids ...and his final breathes from this jumbo sized man were to his maker....
his family flew in for the funeral we were a black family now mom always told me that ....
lester had been kind to me and stood up for me but i was ashamed of him cuz he was black and now i was black too...once he took me fishing and we had to go to the drug house first he came out fucked up on something he was laughing and stumbling and fell down a few times ...i tried to help him stay up cuz we were going fishing we got gas in a gallon jug for the fire .....he fell down a big next to fountain steet into some trash cans and i tried to pick him up he was so heavy i was only 13...we made it to the fishing hole and lester tried to start the fire he seemed a little more sober ...the fire did not think so.. it lit him up geuss i used to much gas i thought it was funny ..but i did help

warden leroy beans

there was a tunnel that ran under the court house to the jail man i must of walked through that sucker one to many times ....
i remember the smell of pot throughout the jail,first being put in that holding tank......
the old jail was a lunch box shaped 40 cell four man per ......
i could see the old gallows ... did i belong here ??
i remember scott hillegas coming to the holding cell ...i knew him
i wantted to go home ..though i did not know where that was ...maybe i am home